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  • Hoped for better, but could not finish…

    By BrainyGamerN
    Too many holes in the plot and exasperatingly bad logic in the main character’s reasoning. The first four books in the series weren’t as bad. This one seems to have been written quickly, in one draft, with little or no editing. I’d like my money back on this one. I feel a bit ripped off.
  • Feeble minded heroine

    By CentralCALady
    And unbelievably stupid book. Sorry I wasted my money. Everyone in it is stilted and u real.
  • 3.5 stars to be precise

    By emf8elf
    As always, amazing depictions of scenery and day-to-day life in Italy. Good writing and decently-paced murder-mystery. A little too much angsty-romance for my taste. Can be read as a standalone since this was the first I read from this specific series from this author. I’ll definitely be going back to book 1 to get the full picture. Looking forward to the next book! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.