I See You - Molly McAdams

I See You

By Molly McAdams

  • Release Date: 2016-11-01
  • Genre: New Adult Romance
Score: 4
From 202 Ratings


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Molly McAdams’ powerful new novel offers one of the most memorable love triangles in fiction since Twilight—perfect for fans of New Adult fiction like Jamie McGuire, Abbi Glines, and Tamarra Webber.

Futures are uncertain, unpredictable—like ink spilled across the purest surface. Nearly imperceptible ripples move and flow until a unique stain is formed. The ink is permanently imbedded in the surface…

During one wild night in college, Jentry Michaels is a tidal wave of ink that brands Aurora Wilde’s soul. An unparalleled stain she can’t forget despite the many months that have passed—and despite the distraction she’d hoped she would find in her new relationship with Declan, the charmer who captured her heart soon after. Jentry has irrevocably touched her soul, and he is intertwined in her present and future in ways she never fathomed. Now Aurora is faced with keeping that night hidden though it feels as if the ink has indelibly etched their story across her skin.

When Declan is confronted with his own personal demons, Aurora must decide if she will continue to hold tight to their relationship and a safe, reliable future with him, or if she will turn to Jentry—the guy she can’t forget no matter how hard she tries.…


  • I See You

    By wilson7516
    Such a great book! Could not keep my face out of this and when I did the suspense was killing me to get back into the story.
  • Always love your books

    By Anonymous19832015
    First and foremost, I am a huge fan of your books. I have read them all and have never been disappointed! I enjoy the love triangles you put your characters in. In regards to this book, the layout was a bit confusing and at times I had to look back a chapter and see when it took place. Other than that, I loved it! I loved how you made the mother the villain. Rorie was sweet and complicated. I definitely recommend the book, just really pay attention to the timeline, otherwise you start to think you missed something big. I hope you are going to put out a book for Declan!!!!!!
  • Love this author but not this book

    By LovesLoveStories
    Too much back and forth, unnecessary time flashbacks, and characters written like simpletons (the mother was mean to the point of being a laughable caricature and Aurora came off like a sap for taking it). To me it wasn't a good read.
  • Love the book, hate Linda!

    By Lillyp1979
    Like always Molly had done it again, love the story it was actually very different then her other books with a twist of mystery which kept the book interested. I think adding Linda's character made it more interested. I am not going to say I liked her I wanted to slap her every time she came back in the story and I was not happy on how Declan never saw how his mom treated Rorie. The book was amazing like always, and like always I can't wait for her next book.
  • Molly at her best!

    By Coliyo
    Molly McAdams books do not disappoint, this is no exception. I got this book early and it took me a month to put into words my review for this book. This book may come across as a love triangle but not like any other Molly McAdams triangle. In this book we have all the emotions and you feel them as if you are the characters. I think this is the best of her books yet, It is well written and romance at it truest and most real life. Jentry and Auroura have one night....they do not know each other's names but the connection they have is so real it stays with them both almost a yr later Auroura /Rori still has flashes and dreams of that night with the man she only knows as Jay. Rori and Declan meet at the same college party when she goes back looking for Jay. She feels a connection and they date. Fast forward and they are done college and moving in together, close to Declan's family. Declan's mother seems nice....up until this time. Linda, Rori's future mother in law will feel real life to many who may know a Monster in Law. During this time as they are settling in and getting jobs,etc Declan says that his brother Jentry is coming home, he is in the service. Once Rori meets Declan's brother Jentry she recognizes the man that has haunted her thoughts and dreams for almost a year. Jentry recognizes her since he has not stopped thinking about her since their one night. He feels undeserving of love. Their story unfolds and things happen, guilt holds people back from their true feelings. Molly McAdams wrote this book brilliantly and it will grab you and hold you till the very end. I definitely wanted to throat punch a few times in this book. Tears were shed but nothing like another book of Molly's. This is a stand alone and I highly recommend grabbing this book and sinking your teeth into it.
  • it could have been boy A or B - yet still impossible to forget

    By glhince
    Do you remember in Gilmore Girls when Jess appeared, and the lure of that bad boy had Rory utterly confused? Sure, there was Dean – reliable, handsome, adoring Dean, admittedly NOT the sharpest tool in the shed. Then Jess appeared: brooding, surprisingly quick and sharp, desperate for love but too cool for school. It’s similar here… at least in set up. An Aurora (Rorie) is a college student with an irresistible draw to the hot boy, Jentry, the one who is up front about his just one night rules, and his seeming disinterest in more. She’s not that girl --- but for a night – why not. And a week later, she meets THE guy for her – the sane, honest, open and reliable Declan… the one who will stick around in the morning. But she’s torn. And we have a triangle – not a bad thing, except the shame with which Rorie applies to her time with Jentry – the time she can’t stop thinking about. Let me start by saying the McAdams builds a wonderful character – and each one of these held back – even with the overuse of time switches, from past, near past, even nearer past to present (confused yet – yes – it was a huge distraction). With all of the back and forth, alternating narrations the story’s impact and pieces don’t fall into place as you read – sections and moments become relevant and important several pages later. It was jarring and often distracting to have the story doled out in pieces that didn’t appear to logically correlate, but come the last pages…. I got it. I saw why Rorie was confused, and actually BOTH Declan and Jentry had viable standing to be ‘her’ choice. Her desperation to do the right thing often discounted the major question – right for WHOM…and as is common with someone of this age, and in this genre, those choices are flexible, fluid, heartwrenching and often carry suitcases of regrets. A wholly unique construct of a story that could have been boy A or boy B…….and still been impossible to not remember. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
  • A refreshing take on a love triangle.

    By calstephanie
    I was a little nervous about reading I See You because of past experience with a Molly McAdams’ love triangle book (Taking Chances, anyone?). But honestly, it’s not like I wasn’t going to read it. It’s Molly, for cryin’ out loud! LOL So I sucked it up, dived in and never looked back. I. Was. Hooked! Declan, Aurora and Gentry’s story is exciting, gripping and won’t let you go. Molly wove this story in a way that it will surprise you at every turn. It’s a new and refreshing take on a love triangle. Toss in a little mystery, a mother you want to hit and a whole lot of love and you’ve got one fabulous novel from Molly McAdams.
  • Linda is a HORRIBLE person

    By Samantha S!
    You will read this book and will hate Linda as much as the rest of us! However this story is beautiful. I love Aurora and Jay's story and their connection they share. Not many people are lucky to have found that bond! Aurora goes by Rorie to everyone BUT Jay. I love the name aurora. I love how this book was written with multiple POV. The chapters switch from characters POV but also the time frame, present to THAT night, the night they met.
  • A must read!!

    By Michell C
    *sigh* I was so nervous to read another love triagle by Molly McAdams but I am so glad I did. I loved the plot and charcters created. The chemistry is off the charts. There were so many twists and turns I didn't see coming. It was a beautifully writen story and a must read!!